CMT Cert.# 30450

Denise Berezonsky
CMT Cert.# 30454
has been offering Breema bodywork at the Breema Clinic for 30 years. A continuing student of Breema throughout this time, she brings a wide range of Breema bodywork sequences to her practice, using them according to the need of each individual client. Her approach is also informed by her many years as a student of Pilates, Restorative ExerciseTM and other movement modalities where she gained knowledge of the body’s structural relationships via experience with her own body. She is co-author of Self-Breema: Exercises for Harmonious Life, Associate Director and Practitioner at the Breema Clinic and a Staff Instructor at the Breema Center.
"I love giving and receiving Breema bodywork. Breema, Self-Breema, and the Nine Principles have had a transformative effect on me, and I wish to help people discover how much this practice can support them in all aspects of their life, including physical health and well-being and in their relationship to themselves and to others. As a practitioner I enjoy working with clients interested in setting simple goals to move towards greater health, balance, and vitality, and teaching them to use the tools I have personally worked with and found effective. As an instructor I find that I am constantly nurtured and supported by teaching Breema."
Alexandra Johnson, MD
Medical Lic#148633
"I am an integrative Family Physician, and have been a Breema Practitioner and Instructor for over 20 years. I have worked as a doctor and Breema instructor internationally, and have found Breema's non-judgemental atmosphere to be invaluable in working with any health condition. I am consistently amazed at the effect of Breema bodywork, Self-Breema exercises, and Nine Principles of Harmony in increasing vitality, addressing acute concerns, and offering new templates for relating to body, mind and feelings."
LMFT # 99935/ CATC # 1710740
Angela Porter, MA, LMFT, CMT
"I offer Breema sessions at the Breema Clinic, use Breema bodywork in my somatic psychotherapy practice, and teach Breema workshops internationally. Facilitating connection between body and mind is central to my work and my understanding of health, healing and wholeness. Beema's simple philosophy "Don't fight sickness—nurture vitality," and it's direction of unifying the energies of body, mind and feelings to create harmony, balance, and well-being are foundational to my practice of both bodywork and psychotherapy."
CMT Cert# 30281
Birthe Kaarsholm
"I was a practitioner of movement therapy and other bodywork modalities. Through Breema I learned something completely new that has supported me for the past 12 years. The body, when it is seen in complete acceptance, can find its way to balance. The Breema touch provides exactly what is needed for that to happen. The Breema Principles support me and my clients to come to the present through body-mind connection. This is the foundation through which we can experience harmony with ourselves and with all life."
CMT Cert #
Alexis Mulhauser
Alexis Mulhauser has 20 years of experience studying and teaching movement, including Breema, Yoga, martial arts, and dance. She is a Breema Instructor at the Breema Center in Oakland, CA, and teaches Nia dance classes online, and one on one Self-Breema Sessions through the Breema Clinic both online and in person. By applying Breema and the 9 Principles of Harmony in her professional path as a movement educator, Alexis has found Breema to be an essential tool to support and nourish her daily life, and wishes to share these body and life tools with others.
CMT Cert # 30704
Elaine Pendergrast
"A long time ago I heard it said in a Breema class, “Existence supports you.” That statement changed my view of the world and my place in it substantially. Over many years I have verified that statement through my own experience, especially by practicing Breema. Breema and the Nine Principles provide ongoing opportunities to bring ourselves to a more balanced state, which supports physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The simplicity of coming to the body while doing or receiving Breema supports us to become present and connected to a more essential aspect of ourselves. There is a deep sense of connectedness to all that exists and a wish to support that which supports me. I invite clients to receive Breema and to discover in what ways it can support them at any moment in their daily lives."

Practitioners at the Breema Clinic are highly experienced professionals with many years of clinical experience. Many have practiced Breema for more than 20 years. All are also Certified Breema Instructors as well as CMTs, and dedicated lifelong students of Breema.
Working with clients is not only our job—it’s our passion! We know of no better way to express our love of life, or to share the profound benefits we ourselves have received from working with Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony. Seeing the transforming influence of Breema on the people we work with is a constant source of joy.